Understanding ‘Fake News’

Lesson Duration

Constitutional Rights Foundation

“In this lesson, students learn about the phenomenon of “fake news,” how it spreads quickly on the Internet, and how to recognize it and distinguish it from other types of information. First, students discuss what makes news reliable. Next, they read a balanced article on fake news and examples of fake news on the Internet. Then, they learn about using the SMART (standing for Source, Motive, Authority, Review, and Two-source test) Information-Age Checklist to help them use critical thinking in evaluating online information. Finally, students work in small groups to apply SMART to hypothetical examples of news and online information.”


Students will be able to:

  • Identify examples of fake news online.
  • Explain why fake news is a problem and how people are susceptible to believing it.
  • Evaluate online news and information sources to discern what is reliable andtrustworthy.

Go to: http://www.crf-usa.org/images/pdf/UnderstandingFakeNews.pdf

tag: media literacy



The Constitutional Rights Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that seeks to instill a deeper understanding of citizenship through values expressed in our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.