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Posted By llad On April 23, 2017 @ 10:29 am In | Comments Disabled

USAFacts: a non-partisan, not-for-profit civic initiative that uses publicly available government data sources to create a portrait of the American population, government finances, and government’s impact on society.

You will find:

The Big Picture – Total Revenue, Total Spending – See where the money comes from; see where the money goes

Finances – Find the financial details of how much money government makes, owes, as well as spending details on employees and services.

Population – Explore- America is a diverse nation made up of people from a wide variety of racial, ethnic and educational backgrounds.

Missions – the purposes of government as defined by the Constitution (USAFacts uses the Preamble of the US Constitution as a framework for data).

Reports – an annual report, a summary report, and a “10-K” modeled on the document public companies submit annually to the SEC for transparency and accountability to their investors.

Go to: https://usafacts.org [1]

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URL to article: https://teachingcivics.org/lesson/usafacts/

URLs in this post:

[1] https://usafacts.org: https://usafacts.org

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