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Activity Guides: Grades 6-8 Learn At Home (NYC)
Posted By llad On April 3, 2020 @ 6:18 pm In | Comments Disabled
Worksheets with activities for distance learning - these materials are designed to provide supplementary learning resources; they do not replace learning at school.
6th Grade [1]
Lesson – Hidden Voices: Elsie Richardson
Objective: Learn about how people have organized to help their neighborhoods in New York City through the story of Elsie Richardson.
Lesson - Time Capsule
Objective: Write an inspirational letter to your future self describing American ideals and civic virtues you hope to see in the future.
7th Grade [2]
Lesson - Checks and Balances
Objective: Analyze real-life examples of checks and balances to understand how the US Constitution ensures that one branch cannot overpower the other two branches.
Lesson - Civics for All: Separation of Church & State
Objective: Analyze the concept of separation of church and state by interpreting court cases.
Lesson - Civics for All: Amending the Constitution
Objective: Analyze amendments to understand how and why the Constitution has changed over time.
Lesson - Passport to Social Studies: The Great Compromise
Objectives: Compare and contrast the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan; Analyze census data in order to understand the importance of the Great Compromise for American democracy.
Lesson - Civics for All: Analyzing the Bill of Rights
Objective: Learn about what your individual rights are and how they are protected in the United States.
8th Grade [3]
Lesson - Hidden Voices: Antonia Pantoja
Objective: Read the story of Antonia Pantoja, a woman who changed New York City.
Lesson - Passport to Social Studies: Reconstruction Amendments
Objective: Read, paraphrase, and summarize the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to understand their significance.
Article printed from Teaching Civics: https://teachingcivics.org
URL to article: https://teachingcivics.org/lesson/activity-guides-grades-6-8-learn-at-home-nyc/
URLs in this post:
[1] 6th Grade: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/learn-at-home/activities-for-students/middle-school/sixth-grade
[2] 7th Grade: https://cdn-blob-prd.azureedge.net/prd-pws/docs/default-source/default-document-library/learn-at-home-2020/grade-7-learn-at-home-social-studies-compiled.pdf?sfvrsn=886edb07_4
[3] 8th Grade: https://cdn-blob-prd.azureedge.net/prd-pws/docs/default-source/default-document-library/learn-at-home-2020/grade-8-learn-at-home-social-studies-compiled.pdf?sfvrsn=2a2e60b0_4
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