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Civics 101 – Episode 30: The National Debt and The Deficit

Posted By llad On June 11, 2017 @ 9:22 pm In | Comments Disabled

Each podcast episode of Civics 101 gives listeners a non-partisan, topical “refresher course on how American democracy was designed and how it is practiced in the real world.”

Episode 30: The National Debt and The Deficit: two terms that are often used interchangeably, but take on different meanings when it comes to the government. What are the differences between the debt and the deficit, and what does it mean for a country to carry debt?

Listen to podcast (14:44): https://www.civics101podcast.org/civics-101-episodes/ep30 [1]

Article printed from Teaching Civics: https://teachingcivics.org

URL to article: https://teachingcivics.org/lesson/civics-101-episode-30-the-national-debt-and-the-deficit/

URLs in this post:

[1] https://www.civics101podcast.org/civics-101-episodes/ep30: https://www.civics101podcast.org/civics-101-episodes/ep30

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