In the Home, Outside the Home – How Do We Value Work?

Lesson Duration

Author: Vision 2020, National Constitution Center

This Class Starter activity is found on page 21 of the guide for K-12 educators that accompanied the temporary exhibition From the Absence of Many to the Presence of All: The Unfinished Business of Women’s Equality  at the National Constitution Center, Philadelphia. The exhibition is part of a national project focused on advancing gender equality by energizing the dialogue about women and leadership. This Guide is designed to be flexible, with the intention that you pick and choose, mix and match based on your classroom needs. The activities are designed to engage students and allow them to interact with the material and with each other, and the range of choices provides options for students of different learning styles.


  • By thinking critically about gender stereotypes in relation to work in the home vs. outside the home, students will gain an awareness of how perceived value of work is connected to embedded views of gender roles.



The Annenberg Foundation is a private family foundation that provides funding and support to nonprofit organizations in the United States and globally. The Foundation and its Board of Directors are also directly involved in the community with innovative projects that further its mission to advance the public well-being through improved communication. The Foundation encourages the development of effective ways to share ideas and knowledge.