Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) – iCivics

Lesson Duration

From iCivics’ Landmark Library

This mini-lesson covers the basics of the Supreme Court’s decision that it was constitutional to keep black and white people segregated as long as the accommodations for each race were “equal.”  Students learn about the concept of “separate but equal,” the reasons the Court found the doctrine acceptable, and the fact that the doctrine was not abolished until the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Students compare arguments from the Plessy case and the later case Brown v. Board of Education, and they consider whether the Brown court would have decided in Plessy’s favor.

“This library of mini-lessons targets a variety of landmark cases from the United States Supreme Court. Each mini-lesson includes a one-page reading and a one-page activity, and is appropriate for a variety of uses. Unlike the iCivics lesson plans, these mini-lessons are designed for students to complete independently without the need for teacher direction. However, they also make great teacher-directed lessons or even class conversation-starters, and multiple mini-lessons can be combined to make a longer lesson.”

Go to: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) – iCivics

tag: distance/ online learning


iCivics is program that teaches core civics content through free lesson plans, online games, and interactive modules. Endorsed by Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.