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The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies

Posted By llad On May 18, 2020 @ 4:32 pm In | Comments Disabled

“Students will discuss…”

Here is help to make this learning objective more specific!

This podcast/ reading contains 15 strategies for structuring a class discussion; they are separated into three groups:

  • higher-prep strategies - require teachers to do some planning or gathering of materials ahead of time
  • low-prep strategies - can be used on the fly when you have a few extra minutes or just want your students to get more active  
  • ongoing strategies - smaller techniques that can be integrated with other instructional strategies and don’t really stand alone

For each strategy, there is a description of its basic structure, and an explanation of variations that exist, if any.

To watch each strategy in action, click on its name and a new window will open with a video that demonstrates it.

Article printed from Teaching Civics: https://teachingcivics.org

URL to article: https://teachingcivics.org/lesson/the-big-list-of-class-discussion-strategies/

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